Photo credit: Annie Vernick


"Sound is 51% of Film"

It all began with footsteps—an anxious character in squeaky shoes, trailing behind the thunderous strides of a deranged priest. In that very moment, I was struck by the profound impact of sound. In the blink of an eye, it possesses the remarkable ability to metamorphose an entire film, infusing it with humor, physicality, and sheer intensity. Sound, in and of itself, is the cornerstone that sells the cinematic experience.

Moved by this revelation, I embarked on my journey to attain an MFA from Chapman University, specializing in Sound Design. I pursued this path with unwavering dedication, investing countless hours into honing my craft.

Today, I stand before you with a burning desire to collaborate on your projects. I want to leverage my knowledge and skills to breathe life into your vision. I am committed to ensuring your film reaches its fullest potential.